Monday, 23 July 2012

My First Cosplay!

Firstly, I'd just like to say that cosplaying is FUN!!
 I've always fancied it and with my imminent departure I figured Manchester MCM Expo would be my last chance in a while.
I chose Grell because, as I think I have made quite clear, I LOVE GRELL! (plus it seemed like a fairly easy start, even if I do have a degree in costume design.)

I was pretty happy with my final outcome. I made my waistcoat, coat and neck-tie from scratch and I was really happy that I managed to get the right fabrics (especially the stripes). I think the wig could do with being styled slightly more but tbh, I'm not a serious cosplayer so this will do for now.

I stole Michaela's scissors as I forgot mine!

I did get quite a lot of attention but it was really different to what you get when you're in loli. In Lolita, people take photos because you're exciting or exotic or prettty and it's purely aesthetic. Cosplayers get photographed by 'fans'. Literally, I had young girls 'fangirling' over me and I've never been asked for hugs from strangers so much in my life! It's so nice when people know who you are and compliment your outfit but after a while you do feel a pressure to become the character.
I don't have the right attitude to be Grell and my acting abilities don't quite cover it so maybe I'll work up to that but I would definitely cosplay again!

All photos courtesy of the wonderful Intrinsically Florrie

1 comment:

  1. you look stunning!
    follow each others blog? let me know :D
