Monday, 16 July 2012

One does not simply walk to Zombie School. Oh, wait.....

On  slightly happier, less TEFL note I attended Zombie School yesterday. SUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!

Has anyone else heard of the game 2.8 Hours Later? This involves running around a live city late at night trying to reach certain check points without being attacked by a horde of blood thirsty zombies. Sounds pretty epic yet amazingly terrifying at the same time!
I've never actually played but I was in Leeds City Centre one night last year when it was being played and man, did it look fun! So this year I applied to be a zombie and surprisingly I got an invite to Zombie School.

I don't want to wreck the façade for people who are playing but safe to say that that zombies get fully trained!! I now know various zombie walking styles, how to turn corners, how to run whilst screaming and how to balance a lemon on a wooden spoon whilst zombi-ing! Most importantly however, ZOMBIES DO NOT RUN IN THE ROAD!!
I am massively excited for the actual event. I'll hopefully be doing the Thursday and Friday (and then off to a battle royale themed night out on Saturday - fake blood galore!) so it's going to be a tiring couple of days but worth it!

So if you're in Leeds City Centre on the 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th of July between 5-11.30, just be careful!

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